The Prophet Told Of Loud Thunders Quaking The Surface Of Earth
When The Black Raven Would Have Turned Victim Of Wonderful Spells
He Would Have Become A White Swan Born From The Darklands Of Sin
Neither Would Aresius Have Believed What Was Now Changing In Him
Swan... Prince Of The Magic Lake... Dargor's Your Name...
Gargoyles, Fly
Gargoyles, Rise
Gargoyles, Fly High... !
Angeli Di Pietra Mistica
Ladri D'Anime Fieri Volano
Another Mess Of Vampires, Masquerade Of Sadistic Pride
He Could Not Endure These Cruel Games
Against Him Who Once Spared Its Life
He Realized So Not Too Late To Be Really Far From His King
Far From His Infinite Blood Thirst, Too Far To Call Them Right For Him
Rise... Fly High And Steal His Soul... Angels Of Stone...
Gargoyles, Fly
Gargoyles, Rise
Gargoyles, Fly High... !
Angeli Di Pietra Mistica
Ladri D'Anime Fieri Volano
Ti Invoco O Terra... Colora Il Mio Nero
Con Fiera Lealtà Io Giuro Sincero...
Tra Anime Morte E Caos Immenso
A Gaia Sovrana L'Amore più Intenso... Io Dargor A Te...
Gargoyles, oh my brother gargoyles
Rise now, rise for his soul
[II - EXOTIC INTERLUDE (Instrumental)]
Dargor, dO iT... It Must Be Done...
Free Your Rage And Light Your Soul...
It's Gaia's Call...
...The Powerful Energies Of The Furthest Secret Cosmos Heard
So The Prayer of Our Mother Gaia, The Supreme Spirit
Who Gave Us The Miracle Of Life... And Her Dark Son Breathed New Life...
The Power of The Dragonflame Was Realizing What Had Seemed To Be Impossbile...
And This Is Then The Epic End
Of The Legendary Tale
Of The One Who Found The Light
And The Dragonflame Inside
Of The Tragic Rain Of A Thousand Flames
Of The Town's Defenders Who Faced Pain
Of Symphonies Of Enchanted Lands
Of Whispers Of Love And Hate
The Dawn Of Victory Can Breathe In The Wind
And This Would Mean The Great Rebirth
Reborm, The One Who's Giving His Life
...The Towns Lying On The Ground
Be One (Be One !) Of Us (Of Us !) And
Act As All The Prophecies Want...
To Mountains And Valleys, To Fire And Snow,
To Sun, Moon And Wisdom Rise Your Soul...
It's The Call... !
Oh No, Oh God, Oh God No
What Is Happening !
Angeli Di Pietra Mistica
Ladri D'Anime Fieri Volano
Angeli Di Pietra Mistica
Ladri D'Anime Fieri Volano
Oh, God, My God...
It Happened... It Happened !
Dargor mortally struck the queen of the dead and called the mighty gargoyles against
the legions of darkness... He pushed Akron into the hands of the nordic warrior,
now a dying victim of terrible tortures... the chosen one let himself fall into the deep
marshes constraining the black king, with the emerald sword again in his hands,
not to move... they became food for the snakes of the abyss...
But this sacrifice had a terrific and great effect and Akron's death meant the victory
on the evil forces of abyss... once... forever...
Remember, proud brothers... everything is possible... when you let the mystic power of
the dragonflame burn in your heart... believe it... ...it's the dragonflame!
Tenebra, Tenebra... Domina !
Tenebra, Tenebra... Danna Me !
Let Me See His Face...
Furia Cieca, Caos In Me...
Lead Me To Your Horned Beast Named King...
I Will Call My Fire, Air, Earth,
The Oceans' Waters... To Stop Inferno's Breath !
Tenebra, Tenebra... Domina !
Tenebra, Tenebra... Danna Me !
Tenebra... Libera Me !
The Prophet Told Of Loud Thunders Quaking The Surface Of Earth
When The Black Raven Would Have Turned Victim Of Wonderful Spells
He Would Have Become A White Swan Born From The Darklands Of Sin
Neither Would Aresius Have Believed What Was Now Changing In Him
Swan... Prince Of The Magic Lake... Dargor's Your Name...
Gargoyles, Fly
Gargoyles, Rise
Gargoyles, Fly High... !
Angeli Di Pietra Mistica
Ladri D'Anime Fieri Volano
Another Mess Of Vampires, Masquerade Of Sadistic Pride
He Could Not Endure These Cruel Games
Against Him Who Once Spared Its Life
He Realized So Not Too Late To Be Really Far From His King
Far From His Infinite Blood Thirst, Too Far To Call Them Right For Him
Rise... Fly High And Steal His Soul... Angels Of Stone...
Gargoyles, Fly
Gargoyles, Rise
Gargoyles, Fly High... !
Angeli Di Pietra Mistica
Ladri D'Anime Fieri Volano
Ti Invoco O Terra... Colora Il Mio Nero
Con Fiera Lealtà Io Giuro Sincero...
Tra Anime Morte E Caos Immenso
A Gaia Sovrana L'Amore più Intenso... Io Dargor A Te...
Gargoyles, oh my brother gargoyles
Rise now, rise for his soul
[II - EXOTIC INTERLUDE (Instrumental)]
Dargor, dO iT... It Must Be Done...
Free Your Rage And Light Your Soul...
It's Gaia's Call...
...The Powerful Energies Of The Furthest Secret Cosmos Heard
So The Prayer of Our Mother Gaia, The Supreme Spirit
Who Gave Us The Miracle Of Life... And Her Dark Son Breathed New Life...
The Power of The Dragonflame Was Realizing What Had Seemed To Be Impossbile...
And This Is Then The Epic End
Of The Legendary Tale
Of The One Who Found The Light
And The Dragonflame Inside
Of The Tragic Rain Of A Thousand Flames
Of The Town's Defenders Who Faced Pain
Of Symphonies Of Enchanted Lands
Of Whispers Of Love And Hate
The Dawn Of Victory Can Breathe In The Wind
And This Would Mean The Great Rebirth
Reborm, The One Who's Giving His Life
...The Towns Lying On The Ground
Be One (Be One !) Of Us (Of Us !) And
Act As All The Prophecies Want...
To Mountains And Valleys, To Fire And Snow,
To Sun, Moon And Wisdom Rise Your Soul...
It's The Call... !
Oh No, Oh God, Oh God No
What Is Happening !
Angeli Di Pietra Mistica
Ladri D'Anime Fieri Volano
Angeli Di Pietra Mistica
Ladri D'Anime Fieri Volano
Oh, God, My God...
It Happened... It Happened !
Dargor mortally struck the queen of the dead and called the mighty gargoyles against
the legions of darkness... He pushed Akron into the hands of the nordic warrior,
now a dying victim of terrible tortures... the chosen one let himself fall into the deep
marshes constraining the black king, with the emerald sword again in his hands,
not to move... they became food for the snakes of the abyss...
But this sacrifice had a terrific and great effect and Akron's death meant the victory
on the evil forces of abyss... once... forever...
Remember, proud brothers... everything is possible... when you let the mystic power of
the dragonflame burn in your heart... believe it... ...it's the dragonflame!
Tenebra, Tenebra... Domina !
Tenebra, Tenebra... Danna Me !
Let Me See His Face...
Furia Cieca, Caos In Me...
Lead Me To Your Horned Beast Named King...
I Will Call My Fire, Air, Earth,
The Oceans' Waters... To Stop Inferno's Breath !
Tenebra, Tenebra... Domina !
Tenebra, Tenebra... Danna Me !
Tenebra... Libera Me !
ANNO : 2002
FORMAZIONE : Fabio Lione - Vocals
Luca Turilli - Guitars
Sascha Paeth - Bass, Classical Guitar
Alex Staropoli - Keyboards
Jay Landsford - Narration
Dana Lurie - Violin
Bridget Fogle - Female Baroque Voice
Manuel Staropoli - Baroque Recorders
Thunderfoce - Drums
ANNO : 2002
FORMAZIONE : Fabio Lione - Vocals
Luca Turilli - Guitars
Sascha Paeth - Bass, Classical Guitar
Alex Staropoli - Keyboards
Jay Landsford - Narration
Dana Lurie - Violin
Bridget Fogle - Female Baroque Voice
Manuel Staropoli - Baroque Recorders
Thunderfoce - Drums
Canzone epica, suggestiva e dannatamente coinvolgente. Avrei
potuto scegliere un 'altra canzone, magari più rappresentativa, ma ho
sempre amato l'epicità di "Gargoyles, Angels Of Darkness".Si possono
dire molte cose sui Rhapsody (adesso Rhapsody Of Fire). Inanzitutto è
indubbia la loro importanza nel panorama metal mondiale e che piacciano o
meno, grazie a loro (e non solo a loro) possiamo vantarci anche noi
italiani di avere gruppi metal con le palle che non hanno nulla da
invidiare ai gruppi stranieri. Per chi scrive sono grandissimi !
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